Resume Scanning vs. Resume Reading

Resume Scanning vs. Resume Reading

As a general rule, people doesn’t read electronic documents and Web pages word by word; instead, they just scan them, picking out individual words and sentences which they are searching for.

Recruiters are not different. Because human resource departments receive a flood of hundreds and even thousands of resumes for just a few positions, they frequently have a few moments to spend scanning each resume to efficiently eliminate candidates whose qualifications don’t match the job requirements, and to save for consideration those resumes which present matching qualifications.

Busy executives have little time for anything else therefore, if your printed or electronic resume is not designed to survive the high-speedresume scanning process, then your chances of being considered for a job interview decrease substantially.

You will be selected or discarded in about ten seconds: that’s the average time a recruiter devotes to each resume he must review.

If your resume doesn’t capture his or her attention immediately, all your years of hard work and education are wasted.

Don’t Assume Your Resume Will Be Read Just Because You Sent It

It is for this reason that your first objective must be to make sure your resume gets read. One of the biggest mistakes that candidates make is assuming that just because they send a resume to a prospective employer, it will be read.

If you want your resume get noticed, we do suggest you using EasyJob Resume Builder. The “high-speed resume reading” that most recruiters and human resource personnel have to do, is extremely facilitated by this resume builder software. EasyJob has especial sections designed to make your resume stand out in scans of hundreds of resumes and to immediately catch a recruiter’s or employer’s attention and make him anxious to find out more about your background. FREE download EasyJob demo and check it out NOW!

How to Make a Resume Stand Out in the High-Speed Scanning Process

When your resume moves to the top, the scanner (recruiter) will give it a brief look (10 to 15 seconds) for anything that brings his or her interest. Due that, a resume, printed or electronic, must employ «scannable» text to be selected.

If your resume includes a well written resume profile statement about your background that’s so powerful which transforms your initial scan into a lengthy look, you got the chance of making an impression. In writing the text of this summary statement use short and concise phrases, trying to present the best of your education and professional work experience. You must emphasize those qualifications that better match the requirements of your prospective employers.

Don’t be unreasonably modest in describing your duties and accomplishments; it is better to be a casual show off than a permanent shy person.

To help you writing a good resume to survive in the high-speed scanning process, EasyJob gives a number of general skill sentences as well as examples of short and concise phrases to better describe your qualifications and work history that you can easily copy and paste on your resume. Check it out NOW for FREE!

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