Prepare for Job Interview

The Job Interview: the Last Crucial Step

Once potential employers respond to your presentation package (resume and cover letter), and schedule an interview with you, the results of that interview are up to you.

We can’t go with you, but we can prepare you for this crucial step and, of course, wish you the best of luck.

Preparing for Job Interview: Some Homework First

When preparing for a job interview, start by learning everything you can about the company:

  • how it is organized;
  • what are its products;
  • its trademarks;
  • is it public or private;
  • who are its main competitors;
  • what are its most recent sales figures;
  • its most successful products;
  • its advertising campaigns.

It is important that you show a certain level of familiarity with the company when talking to the recruiter or interviewer.

Tips on How to Prepare for a Job Interview

You can obtain additional data by reading an annual report from the company and/or by entering the corresponding company’s Web site.

College campus recruiters often cite ack of research of the prospective company” as the biggest reason for not selecting candidates. Doing some research before your job interview will improve your chances of getting an offer. Investigate, mainly:

  • location of the home office and relative size of the firm;
  • number of plants, stores, or outlets and their locations;
  • potential for growth in the industry;
  • array of product lines, services, and market potential;
  • training programs for employees;
  • recent items in the news about the company and,
  • the competition.

Arrive a few minutes before the appointment. Don’t be late under any circumstance! If an accident, traffic problems, or an emergency of some kind occurs that does make you late, be sure to call the interviewer immediately to let he or she know you will not be able to arrive at the appointed time, and explain why you will need to arrive late or reschedule the interview. Also,

  • Be polite to receptionists and secretaries. The interviewer may ask them for their opinion of you.
  • Bring a copy of your resume as well as a list of your references, just in case these are needed during the job interview.
  • Bring a writing pad to take notes.
  • Make sure your appearance is neat and clean.
  • Dress appropriately, preferably in a suit of a neutral color.

Finally, put the job interview into perspective. What’s the worst that can happen? If you do not get the job, don’t despair. Continue to send resumes to increase your chances. Next time, the job interview will turn out better, and you will get the job you want.



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